Monday, December 27, 2004

Bye Sister!

We drove to Milan today to just roam around, and drop sister off at the airport as she heads back to London. Oh how sad i am to see her go... ;-)

Yesterday, i forgot to mention that we had dinner with dad's friend Simone (pronounced seh-moan-eh). He is strangely similar similar to Chunnie on the edible-food-list front. He apparently only eats about 10% of vegetables, so we had to cook a little separate portion of lentils for him that didn't have any onions. Though at the same time we left in the carrots since those are part of the small set of edible vegetables. Though to our dismay, we noticed that he did not eat them and his reason for not doing so is that they were over-cooked. I find it strange that he managed to find an excuse not to eat them at the same time it is heart-warming since it reminds me of Chunnie. :-)

Well, My holiday trip in Europe is over soon since tomorrow i'm going to be flying back to Singapore. It was fun while it lasted...


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